Answers to Common Questions About Plumbing Tools & Equipment

Plumbing Snake – What is a Plumber’s Snake?

What is a plumber snake?

A plumbers snake is coiled spiral auger used to break up clogs in a drain line.


What does a plumber’s snake look like?

A plumbers snake is a long metal cable with a handle on one end. They come in a variety of sizes and lengths.


What is a plumber’s auger?

A plumbers auger is coiled spiral snake used to break up clogs in a drain line. Also called a plumbers snake.


Plumbing Candle – What is a Plumbers Candle?

What is a plumbers candle?

A plumbers candle is a pure paraffin candle.


What is a plumbers candle for?

A plumbers candle is an old method of dripping candle wax on a cloth as a protective barrier when using molten lead to connect lead pipes.


Plumber Putty – What is Plumber Putty?

What is plumber putty?

Plumbers putty is a soft pliable sealant that creates a water tight barrier when installing sinks, faucets, etc.


What is plumber putty used for?

Plumbers putty is used to make a water tight seal when installing sink drains, facets, etc.


How to use plumbers puddy (putty)?

Work the plumbers putty with your hands until it becomes pliable, then shape to the desired shape and apply. Once applied and your drain or faucet is in place you can trim away access putty that is visible.


Liquid Plumber & Drano – What is Liquid Plumber & Drano?

What is Liquid Plumber?

Liquid Plumr is a drain cleaner and unclogging agent with a variety of solutions from gels to foaming cleaners. Learn more on Liquid-Plumr’s website.


What is Liquid Plumber used for?

Liquid Plumr is used to loosen clogged pipes and drains. There are a variety of products available depending on the specific need.


What is Drano?

Drano is a drain cleaner and unclogging agent with a variety of solutions from gels to foaming cleaners.  Learn more on Drano’s website.


What is better Liquid Plumber or Drano?

Which is better seems to be a matter of opinion as both products offer very similar solutions and both also offer a money back guarantee.


Plumbing Tape – What is Plumber’s Tape?

What is plumber’s tape?

Plumber’s tape is a non stick Teflon tape.


What is plumber tape for?

Plumber’s tape is a thread seal tape used to create a water tight seal when screwing a pipe into place.


What is plumber tape used for?

Plumber’s tape is a thread seal tape used to create a water tight seal when screwing a pipe into place.


What are plumbing pipes?

Plumbing pipes are used to bring clean water into buildings and remove waste water from buildings. Plumbing pipes can be made of different materials including steel, copper, and plastic. However, plastic pipes are most commonly used in homes. Creative uses for plastic pipes can include things such as making hockey goal nets for kids and photo booth rental enclosures and backdrops.


Plumbing Grease – What is Plumber’s Grease?

What is plumber’s grease?

Plumber’s grease is a silicone based grease used to lubricate and protect plumbing parts often used when installing faucets or O-rings


What is plumber’s grease made of?

Plumber’s grease is made of a combination of silicone oil and silicone grease


What is plumber grease used for?

Plumber’s grease is a silicone based grease used to lubricate and protect plumbing parts often used when installing faucets or O-rings


What is plumbers goop?

“Amazing Goop” also known as plumber’s Goop is an adhesive and sealant used to repair small leaks on a variety of surfaces.


What is a plumbers test plug?

A plumbers test plug is a plug used to block drainage holes in your plumbing system so the plumbing system can be tested to make sure it doesn’t leak.


What is a plumber’s wrench?

A plumbers wrench is an adjustable wrench that can grip pipes of different diameters.

