Ratings & Reviews for Bison Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Bison Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ranks as one of the top 20 highest rated plumbing companies in Greater Winnipeg. They are rated at number thirteen on BestPlumbers.ca’s rating system which analyzes and ranks plumbers across Canada using more than 40 weighted factors. The rating system evaluates all information available online for every plumbing company in the Winnipeg area and assigns scores to each company for three important categories: Accountability & Trust, Online Reviews, and Warranties and Satisfaction Guarantees.

Related: See which other plumbing companies rank in the top 20 in the Winnipeg area

Accountability & Trust

Bison Plumbing & Heating scores well in the category of accountability and trust. They have been in business for 44 years, and they have not had any complaints filed against them with the Better Business Bureau over the past 3 years. From our perspective, they could improve further by becoming accredited by the Better Business Bureau and improving their rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Online Reviews

In regard to ratings and reviews found on the internet, the company has a low number of reviews on HomeStars. It would be helpful to see more reviews for this company. If you choose to work with them, make sure to let everyone know what your experience was like by posting a review for them on Yelp, Google, or HomeStars.

Warranties & Satisfaction Guarantee

Bison Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

(204) 943-2856
350 William Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3A 0H9  

We think it is important that every plumbing company stand behind their work with a parts and labour warranty and ideally a satisfaction guarantee – guaranteeing you the paying customer that the job you pay for is not done until you’re satisfied.

While warranties and satisfaction guarantees are common in some Canadian cities, only 40% of plumbers publically offer them in Greater Winnipeg. However, it’s good to see that Bison Plumbing & Heating offers a warranty of 1 year parts and labour and a satisfaction guarantee.

Our Score for Bison Plumbing & Heating

As you’ll see in the graph below, our overall score for Bison Plumbing & Heating is Fair at 52%. Their Accountability & Trust score is good and comes in at 60%. Our adjusted Online Review score for them is low at 35%, and their Warranties & Satisfaction Guarantee score is excellent at 70%.

Overall Score
Accountability & Trust
Online Reviews
Warranties & Satisfaction Guarantee

Has No rating and

In business 44 years (since 1975).

Google: 0 reviews | 0% Score from Clients

Yelp.ca: 2 reviews | 60% Score from Clients

HomeStars: 4 reviews | 48% Score from Clients

    Score for Bison Plumbing & Heating Ltd. is decreased by:

    • No Better Business Bureau rating
    • Lower level of accountability – not accredited by and accountable to the Better Business Bureau
    • Low online reviews

    Their score is increased by:

    (204) 943-2856

    350 William Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 0H9

    Address to report errors for plumbers & plumbing companies in this directory


    Coupons & Discounts for Bison Plumbing & Heating

    We currently aren’t aware of any discounts or coupons for Bison Plumbing & Heating, but if you take a look on one of our city pages, you’ll find all publicly listed discounts for local plumbers in each plumber’s ratings profile.

    Tips for Hiring a Plumber

    Regardless of how well a company ranks or how good their reviews are, it’s always a good idea to get a quote from at least 3 different plumbers before hiring anyone to work for you. To give you some additional insights into what to look for when hiring a plumber we’ve created an article to help you get the best bang for your buck.